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The amp-date-display component renders date information in various date formats and in different locales.


Include the amp-date-display component ...

<script async custom-element="amp-date-display" src=""></script>

... and the amp-mustache component in the header

<script async custom-template="amp-mustache" src=""></script>

Basic usage

You must specify one of datetime, timestamp-ms, or timestamp-seconds attributes. This indicates the date and time to display.

The date information is rendered via an amp-mustache template.

The day, hour, minutes and seconds values are bound to {{day}}, {{hour}}, {{minute}} and {{second}} respectively.

Double digit format variants ({{dayTwoDigit}}, {{hourTwoDigit}}, {{minuteTwoDigit}} and {{secondTwoDigit}}) display these values with zero-padding on single digit values. Other values like {{iso}} are also available

<amp-date-display timestamp-seconds="2147483648" layout="fixed-height" height="20">
  <template type="amp-mustache">
      <a href="">Y2K38</a> will be at {{iso}}

Available variables

All the variables that can be displayed are in the template below.

<amp-date-display datetime="now" layout="fixed" width="360" height="590">
  <template type="amp-mustache">


Internationalized month and weekday names can be configured by specifying a locale attribute.

For example, the amp-date-display components below show the same date information in German, French, Czech and English.

<amp-date-display datetime="now" locale="de" layout="fixed" width="360" height="20">
  <template type="amp-mustache">
    <div>de: {{dayName}} {{day}} {{monthName}} {{year}}</div>
<amp-date-display datetime="now" locale="fr" layout="fixed" width="360" height="20">
  <template type="amp-mustache">
    <div>fr: {{dayName}} {{day}} {{monthName}} {{year}}</div>
<amp-date-display datetime="now" locale="cs" layout="fixed" width="360" height="20">
  <template type="amp-mustache">
    <div>cs: {{dayName}} {{day}} {{monthName}} {{year}}</div>
<amp-date-display datetime="now" locale="en-GB" layout="fixed" width="360" height="20">
  <template type="amp-mustache">
    <div>en-GB: {{dayName}} {{day}} {{monthName}} {{year}}</div>
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