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Use the amp-gfycat component to embed animated GIFs from gfycat in your AMP HTML files.


Import the amp-gfycat component.

<script async custom-element="amp-gfycat" src=""></script>

Basic usage

Embed an animated GIF from gfycat via the data-gfyid attribute. We recommend using responsive layout for better experience. Find a list of all supported layouts here. The width and height attributes should be the actual width and height of the Gfycat, you can find them by going to, click on the embed link and copy the width and height specified in the fixed IFRAME field.

<amp-gfycat data-gfyid="TautWhoppingCougar" width="640" height="360" layout="responsive">

Disabling auto play

By default video is autoplaying. It's possible to turn it off by setting noautoplay attribute.

<amp-gfycat data-gfyid="TautWhoppingCougar" width="640" height="360" layout="responsive" noautoplay>
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