Important: this documentation is not applicable to your currently selected format email!
Displays a media stream from the nexxOMNIA platform.
Required Scripts
<script async custom-element="amp-nexxtv-player" src=""></script>
Supported Layouts
With the responsive layout, the width and height from the example should yield correct layouts for 16:9 aspect ratio videos:
<amp-nexxtv-player data-mediaid="71QQG852413DU7J" data-client="761" data-streamtype="video" data-mode="static" data-disable-ads="1" data-streaming-filter="nxp-bitrate-2500" layout="responsive" width="480" height="270" ></amp-nexxtv-player>
data-mediaid (required) | Represents the ID of the media you want to play. |
data-client OR data-domain-id(required) | Your domain ID. |
data-streamtype (optional) | Indicates the media streaming type, which can be one of the following:
data-mode (optional) | Indicates the data mode, which can be static (default) or api . |
data-disable-ads (optional) | Ads are enabled by default. Set value to 1 to disable. |
data-streaming-filter (optional) | Set streaming filter e.g. "nxp-bitrate-0750" for max 750kbit max bitrate. |
data-exit-mode (optional) | Defines player exit screen
common attributes | This element includes common attributes extended to AMP components. |
See amp-nexxtv-player rules in the AMP validator specification.
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