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Provides input masking capabilities to inputs in AMP forms


Required Scripts

<script async custom-element="amp-inputmask" src=""></script>


amp-inputmask enables the mask and mask-output attributes on input elements. These allow document authors to specify input masks for their form elements.

Input masks automatically add formatting characters to user input, and prevent users from typing input that doesn't match the mask. For example, an input mask on a telephone field automatically adds special characters like (, ) and -, and users can type only the numbers needed while the mask prevents them from typing incorrect characters.

Supported elements

  • input[type=text]
  • input[type=tel]
  • input[type=search]


mask (required)

Specifies the mask or masks to apply to the input element.

Custom masks are composed of the following characters, and may be listed separated by spaces:

L The user must add an alphabetical character
0 The user must add a numeric character
A The user must add an alphanumeric character
C The user must add an arbitrary character
l The user may optionally add an alphabetical character
a The user may optionally add an alphanumeric character
c The user may optionally add an arbitrary character
9 The user may optionally add a numeric character.
\ The backslash \ escapes the next character in the mask to be a character literal.
_ The mask will automatically insert a space character

As an example, this masked input will allow the user to enter a Canadian postal code. The space will be automatically added for the user.

<input mask="L0L_0L0" placeholder="A1A 1A1" type="text" />

This mask allows a user to enter either a 5-digit or a 9-digit US ZIP code. The hyphen will be automatically added as the user types the sixth digit.

<input mask="00000 00000-0000" placeholder="10001" type="tel" />

This mask accepts a North American phone number. The characters "+", "1", " ", "(", ")" and "-" will be automatically added as the user types.

<input type="tel" mask="+1_(000)_000-0000" placeholder="+1 (555) 555-5555" />

The following named masks are supported:

payment-card The user must enter a payment card number. The mask automatically adds spaces to chunk the numbers, and supports both American Express-style and Visa-style chunking.

As an example, this masked input will allow the user to enter a payment card number. Space characters " " will be automatically added as the user types.

<input type="tel" mask="payment-card" placeholder="0000 0000 0000 0000" />


Specifies how many zeros the mask will remove from pasted values into custom masks. For backwards compatibility, the default is 2. Specify 0 to disable this behavior.

When users paste values from spreadsheets, often there is a zero padding on the left side. For example, North American phone numbers are sometimes stored as 015551112222 where 1 is the country code, but it has been zero-padded. The mask-trim-zeros attribute will remove up to the given number of zeros. The mask-trim-zeros attribute does not affect named masks


Specifies how the form will submit the input value.

  • raw (default): Outputs the value as-is with all special characters.
  • alphanumeric: Only outputs alphanumeric characters in the mask. The form will add a type="hidden" input with the masked input's name or id attribute with -unmasked appended.

In the example below the mask-output output attribute is set to raw.

  placeholder="+1 (555) 555-5555"

If the mask-output attribute is missing, the default is raw

<!-- missing `mask-output`, which is equivalent to `mask-output="raw"` -->
  placeholder="+1 (555) 555-5555"

When mask-output is set to raw, the form will submit the input value as-is. For example, if the input contains +1 (800) 123-4567, the form will submit the following value:

{"phone": "+1 (800) 123-4567"}

Here, the mask-output output attribute is set to alphanumeric.

  placeholder="+1 (555) 555-5555"

When mask-output is set to alphanumeric, the form will submit the input value as-is, and the form will add a hidden input. The hidden input will have the alphanumeric characters from the original input. Its name will be the original input's name with -unmasked appended. For example, if the input contains +1 (800) 123-4567, the form will submit the following values:

  "phone": "+1 (800) 123-4567",
  "phone-unmasked": "18001234567"


See amp-inputmask rules in the AMP validator specification.

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