• websites



Use amp-user-notification to display a dismissable notification to the user. Use this to implement a dialog to notify users about cookies.


Import amp-user-notification in the header.

<script async custom-element="amp-user-notification" src=""></script>

amp-user-notification requires amp-analytics to be imported as well.

<script async custom-element="amp-analytics" src=""></script>

Specify any additional CSS, default CSS class will put the amp-user-notification element in the left bottom corner.

<style amp-custom>
  :root {
    --space-2: 1rem;   /* 16px */
  /* Center the notification content */
  amp-user-notification.sample-notification {
    padding: var(--space-2);
    display: flex;
    align-items: center;
    justify-content: center;
  amp-user-notification.sample-notification > button {
    min-width: 80px;

Basic usage with local storage

By default, when the user agrees to the cookies policy, the status is saved in the local storage.

<amp-user-notification id="my-notification" class="sample-notification" layout="nodisplay">
  This is an amp-user-notification. It uses local storage to store the dismissed state.
  <button on="tap:my-notification.dismiss">I accept</button>

Advanced usage with a server endpoint

When using a backend solution, two parameters are available: data-show-if-href and data-dismiss-if-href. They can be used together or separatively.

  • data-show-if-href needs to point to a server-endpoint returning { "showNotification": true|false }.
  • The URL defined by data-dismiss-href will be called when the notification is dismissed.

You can find a sample backend implementation here.

If the notification has already been dismissed and the related item has been added to the localstorage, the notification will not appear even if you have configured data-show-if-href and data-dismiss-href.

<amp-user-notification id="my-notification-with-server-endpoint" class="sample-notification" layout="nodisplay" data-show-if-href="" data-dismiss-href="">
    This is an amp-user-notification. It uses a backend service to verify if the notification has to be shown.
    <button on="tap:my-notification.dismiss">I accept</button>
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