Displays GL Transmission Format (gITF) 3D models.
Required Scripts
<script async custom-element="amp-3d-gltf" src=""></script>
Supported Layouts
The amp-3d-gltf
component displays 3D models that are in gITF format.
<amp-3d-gltf layout="responsive" width="320" height="240" alpha="true" antialiasing="true" src="path/to/model.glb" ></amp-3d-gltf>
The component supports glTF 2.0, with the following exceptions:
- Embedded cameras
- Animation
Set CORS headers
The amp-3d-gltf
component makes a fetch request to the origin from
when it requests the gltf file. Set
on the response header of the
endpoint to avoid
CORS issues when served from an AMP cache.
Use a wildcard character to address the <random>
subdomain component.
The src
attribute specifies the gltf file location.
alpha (optional)
Use the alpha
attribute to specify the behavior of the canvas background.
This attribute takes a boolean value. To enable transparency instead of the
default white, set the value to true
antialiasing (optional)
Use the antialiasing
attribute to specify whether to enable antialiasing. To
enable antialiasing, set the value to true.
clearColor (optional)
The clearColor
attribute specifies a CSS color, such as #FF8C00. This color
fills free space on the canvas.
maxPixelRatio (optional)
The maxPixelRatio
attribute specifies an upper limit for the pixelRatio
render option. It defaults to window.devicePixelRatio
autoRotate (optional)
Use the autoRotate
attribute to enable automatic rotation around the model's
center. To enable rotation, set the value to true
. autorotate
defaults to
enableZoom (optional)
Use the enableZoom
attribute to disable zooming in and out of the model. To
disable zoom, set the value to false
. autororate
defaults to true
title (optional)
Define a title
attribute for the component to propagate to the underlying <iframe>
element. The default value is "GLTF 3D model"
The setModelRotation
action specifies the model's rotation. The rotation order
is ZYX.
- Specify the rotation value of the x, y, and/or z axis with
, and/orz
arguments. This action accepts a number between 0 and 1. It defaults to the previous value. - Specify the angle of rotation in radians with
, and/orzMin
arguments. Use a min and a max to define the target range. The angle range defaults to0 / pi * 2
The following action changes the x axis of the component’s rotation to 1.57 when fired.
setModelRotation((x = 0.5), (xMin = 0), (xMax = 3.14))
Here are a few things to keep in mind for style:
- The
attribute specifies transparency. - The
attribute specifies the color of the background if it isn't transparent. amp-3d-gltf
defaults to a white background if you don't specify a background color.
See amp-3d-gltf rules in the AMP validator specification.
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