Displays a Reddit comment or post embed.
Required Scripts
<script async custom-element="amp-reddit" src=""></script>
Supported Layouts
Use the amp-reddit
component to embed a Reddit post or comment.
Example: Embedding a Reddit post
<amp-reddit layout="responsive" width="300" height="400" data-embedtype="post" data-src="" > </amp-reddit>
Example: Embedding a Reddit comment
<amp-reddit layout="responsive" width="400" height="400" data-embedtype="comment" data-src="" data-uuid="b1246282-bd7b-4778-8c5b-5b08ac0e175e" data-embedcreated="2016-09-26T21:26:17.823Z" data-embedparent="true" data-embedlive="true" > </amp-reddit>
data-embedtype (required) | The type of embed, either post or comment . |
data-src (required) | The permamlink uri for the post or comment. |
data-uuid | The provided UUID for the comment embed. Supported when data-embedtype is comment . |
data-embedcreated | The datetime string for the comment embed. Supported when data-embedtype is comment . |
data-embedparent | The datetime string for the comment embed. Supported when data-embedtype is comment . |
data-embedlive | Indicates whether the embedded comment should update if the original comment is updated. Supported when data-embedtype is comment . |
title | Define a title attribute for the component. The default is Reddit . |
common attributes | This element includes common attributes extended to AMP components. |
See amp-reddit rules in the AMP validator specification.
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