• websites



amp-fx-flying-carpet displays its children inside a container of fixed height. As the user scrolls the page, the flying carpet reveals more of it contents, sliding across its children as if peering through a window in the page.


Import the amp-fx-flying-carpet component in the header.

<script async custom-element="amp-fx-flying-carpet" src=""></script>

amp-fx-flying-carpet elements must be positioned after the first viewport so make sure to place enough content before the element to cover the targeted viewport sizes. The box that follows is to ensure that the amp-fx-flying-carpet is placed after the first viewport.

Flying carpet for ads

amp-fx-flying-carpet can be used to display ads. Use the height parameter to specify the height of the flying carpets "window".

<div class="amp-flying-carpet-text-border">Advertising</div>
<amp-fx-flying-carpet height="300px">
  <amp-ad width="300" height="600" layout="fixed" type="doubleclick" data-slot="/35096353/amptesting/formats/flying_carpet">
<div class="amp-flying-carpet-text-border">Advertising</div>

Flying carpet for images

amp-fx-flying-carpet can be also used to display images.

<amp-fx-flying-carpet height="300px">
  <amp-img src="/static/samples//img/landscape_lake_1280x857.jpg" width="1280" height="853" alt="an image">


amp-fx-flying-carpet elements must be positioned before the last viewport so make sure to place enough content after the element to cover the targeted viewport sizes.

The box that follows is to ensure that the amp-fx-flying-carpet is placed before the last viewport.

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