• websites

Dark Mode


This sample demonstrates how to use dark mode. It shows both prefers-color-scheme as well as a manual toggle for people on non-supporting browsers. You can read more about prefers-color-scheme in the article

Everything adjacent to this checkbox can be styled, leave it here in the DOM tree.

Dark Mode Sample

  • On browsers that support prefers-color-scheme and report the user prefers dark, just obey and don't give the user an override option, since they clearly state they like dark.
  • On browsers that support prefers-color-scheme and report the user prefers light or no-preference, offer the option to toggle dark mode manually.
  • On browsers that don't support prefers-color-scheme, offer the option to toggle dark mode manually.
<input id="dark-mode-checkbox" type="checkbox">
<label id="dark-mode-label" for="dark-mode-checkbox">Turn on dark mode</label>
<div class="wrapper">
  <h1>Dark Mode Sample</h1>
      On browsers that support <code>prefers-color-scheme</code> and report the user prefers <code>dark</code>,
      just obey and don't give the user an override option, since they clearly state they like dark.
      On browsers that support <code>prefers-color-scheme</code> and report the user prefers <code>light</code>
      or <code>no-preference</code>, offer the option to toggle dark mode manually.
      On browsers that don't support <code>prefers-color-scheme</code>,
      offer the option to toggle dark mode manually.
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