


A stacked list of headers that collapse or expand content sections with user interaction.


Required Scripts

<script async custom-element="amp-accordion" src=""></script>

Supported Layouts

Provides a way for viewers to glance at the content outline and jump to any section. This is helpful for mobile devices where even a couple of sentences into a section requires scrolling.


The amp-accordion component allows you to display collapsible and expandable content sections. This component provides a way for viewers to glance at the content outline and jump to any section. Effective use reduces scrolling needs on mobile devices.

  • An amp-accordion accepts one or more <section> elements as its direct children.
  • Each <section> must contain exactly two direct children.
  • The first child in a <section> is the heading for that section of the amp-accordion. It must be a heading element such as <h1>-<h6> or <header>.
  • The second child in a <section> is the expandable/collapsible content. It can be any tag allowed in AMP HTML.
  • A click or tap on a <section> heading expands or collapses the section.
  • An amp-accordion with a defined id preserves the collapsed or expanded state of each section while the user remains on your domain.


The example below contains an amp-accordion with three sections. The expanded attribute on the third section expands it on page load.

<amp-accordion id="my-accordion" disable-session-states>
    <h2>Section 1</h2>
    <p>Content in section 1.</p>
    <h2>Section 2</h2>
    <div>Content in section 2.</div>
  <section expanded>
    <h2>Section 3</h2>
    <amp-img src="/static/inline-examples/images/squirrel.jpg"
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Standalone use outside valid AMP documents

Bento allows you to use AMP components in non-AMP pages without needing to commit to fully valid AMP. You can take these components and place them in implementations with frameworks and CMSs that don't support AMP. Read more in our guide Use AMP components in non-AMP pages.

To find the standalone version of amp-accordion, see bento-accordion.



Include the animate attribute in <amp-accordion> to add a "roll down" animation when the content is expanded and "roll up" animation when collapsed.

This attribute can be configured to based on a media query.

<amp-accordion animate>
    <h2>Section 1</h2>
    <p>Content in section 1.</p>
    <h2>Section 2</h2>
    <div>Content in section 2.</div>
    <h2>Section 3</h2>
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Apply the expanded attribute to a nested <section> to expand that section when the page loads.

Use amp-bind to bind the [expanded] attribute to programmatically expand or collapse a <section> element. An expanded section collapses when the expression evaluates as false. A collapsed section expands if the expression evaluates to anything other than false.

    on="expand:AMP.setState({sectionOne: true});collapse:AMP.setState({sectionOne: false})"
    <h2>Section 1</h2>
    <p>Bunch of awesome content</p>
    <h2>Section 2</h2>
    <div>Bunch of awesome content</div>
  <section expanded>
    <h2>Section 3</h2>
    <div>Bunch of awesome content</div>
<button on="tap:AMP.setState({sectionOne: true})">Expand section 1</button>
<button on="tap:AMP.setState({sectionOne: false})">Collapse section 1</button>
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Allow only one section to expand at a time by applying the expand-single-section attribute to the <amp-accordion> element. This means if a user taps on a collapsed <section>, it will expand and collapse other expanded <section>'s.

<amp-accordion expand-single-section>
    <h2>Section 1</h2>
    <p>Content in section 1.</p>
    <h2>Section 2</h2>
    <div>Content in section 2.</div>
    <h2>Section 3</h2>
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The amp-accordion element selector styles an amp-accordion according to your specifications. The following example changes the background color to green:

amp-accordion {
  background-color: green;

Keep the following points in mind when you style an amp-accordion:

  • amp-accordion elements are always display: block.
  • float cannot style a <section>, heading, nor content elements.
  • An expanded section applies the expanded attribute to the <section> element.
  • The content element is clear-fixed with overflow: hidden and hence cannot have scrollbars.
  • Margins of the <amp-accordion>, <section>, heading, and content elements are set to 0, but can be overridden in custom styles.
  • Both the header and content elements are position: relative.


amp-accordion automatically adds the following ARIA attributes:

  • aria-controls: Applied to the header element of each amp-accordion section.
  • aria-expanded (state): Applied to the header element of each amp-accordion section.
  • aria-labelledby: Applied to the content element of each amp-accordion section.

amp-accordion also automatically adds the following accessibility attributes:

  • tabindex: Applied to the header element of each amp-accordion section.
  • role=button: Applied to the header element of each amp-accordion section.
  • role=region: Applied to the content element of each amp-accordion section.

Version notes

The experimental 1.0 version of amp-accordion does not support session states. It behaves as if the disable-session-states attribute is always applied.

Version 0.1 and 1.0 are compatible with amp-bind, but some binding syntax is different. You may bind directly with the expanded attribute in version 1.0. The data-expand binding is not supported in version 1.0. See the expanded attribute for further information.

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