Create a live blog

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إن المدونات الحية عبارة عن صفحات ويب يتم تحديثها على نحو متكرر طوال حدث جارٍ، مثل حدث رياضي أو عملية اقتراع، ويمكنك في AMP تنفيذ مدونة حية من خلال استخدام مكون amp-live-list

يقدم لك البرنامج التعليمي هذا نظرة عامة قصيرة عن المكون amp-live-list ويركز على بعض تفاصيل التنفيذ للمدونات الحية مثل فصل الصفحات والربط العميق. وسنستخدم AMP من خلال نموذج المدونة الحية الخاص بالأمثلة لتوضيح عملية تنفيذ المدونات الحية في AMP.

TIP – Use the LiveBlogPosting metadata markup so your blog can be integrated with third-party platform features.

نظرة عامة على amp-live-list

The amp-live-list component regularly polls the host document for new content and updates the user's browser as new items become available. This means that each time a new blog post needs to be added, the host document should be updated by the CMS to include the update in both the body and the metadata section of the page.

This is what the initial code for the blog could look like:

  <button update on="tap:my-live-list.update">You have updates</button>
  <div items></div>

Let's look at this code:

يتطلب كل مكون من مكونات amp-live-list معرِّفًا فريدًا لأنه قد يكون هناك أكثر من واحد في الصفحة؛ حددنا في هذا المثال my-live-list على أنه المعرِّف الفريد.

فيما تحدد السمة data-poll-interval عدد مرات تكرار عملية التحقق من إرسال البيانات؛ ففي حالة ما إذا كان المستند المضيف محدَّثًا، يجب أن يكون التحديث متوفرًا للمستخدم بعد الفاصل الزمني التالي.

Every time a new item is added to the host document, the <button update on="tap:my-live-list.update"> element shows a "You have updates" button which, when clicked, triggers the page to show the latest posts.

Live blogs can grow and make the page too long. You can use the data-max-items-per-page attribute to specify how many items can be added to the live blog. If the number of items after an update exceeds data-max-items-per-page, the oldest updates exceeding this number are removed. For example, if the page currently has 9 items and data-max-items-per-page is set to 10, and 3 new items arrive in the latest update, the two oldest items are removed from the page with the latest update.

All blog posts in the amp-live-list must be children of <div items></div>. By referring to each post as an item, every item must have a unique id and a data-sort-time.

تفاصيل التنفيذ

Now that you’re familiar with the amp-live-list component, let’s figure out how to implement a more complex live blog. Read on to learn more about how to implement pagination, and how deep linking works.

فصل الصفحات

Long blogs could use pagination to improve performance by limiting the number of blog items to display on a page. To implement pagination, in the amp-live-list component, add the <div pagination></div>, then insert any markup you need for pagination (for example, a page number or a link to the next and previous page).

With pagination, the simple code we used earlier becomes:

  <button update on="tap:my-live-list.update">You have updates</button>
  <div items></div>
  <div pagination>

It’s your responsibility to populate the navigation items correctly by updating the hosted page. For example, in the live blog sample we render the page via a server-side template and we use a query parameter to specify what the first blog item of the page should be. We limit the size of the page to 5 items, so if the server has generated more than 5 items, a user landing on the main page will see the "Next" element in the navigation area. Refer to amp-live-list for details.

After the size of blog posts has exceeded the maximum number of items specified by data-max-items-per-page, the older blog items are displayed in the “Next” pages, for example on page 2. Given that the amp-live-list polls the server at intervals to see if there is any change in the items, there's no need to poll the server if the user isn't on the first page.

You can add the disabled attribute to the hosted page to prevent the polling mechanism. In the live blog sample, we perform this behavior in a server-side template; when the requested page is not the first one, we add the disabled attribute to the amp-live-list component.

الربط العميق

When you publish a blog post, it’s important to be able to deep link to the post to enable features like sharing. With amp-live-list, deep linking is possible by simply using the id of the blog item. For example, allows you to navigate directly to the blog post with the post3 id.

AMP By Example uses a cookie to in the live blog sample to generate fresh content, so if it’s the first time you are landing on the page, the post with id “post3” might not be available, in that case, you are redirected to the first post.


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