• websites

Using the AMP URL API


The AMP URL API retrieves the matching AMP URLs for a given list of URLs. Apps can use this if they want to load the fast AMPs instead of the original URL, for example, when opening external links.

The URL API returns for a given URL with matchin AMP version three different URLs:

  • originalUrl: the unmodified original URL.
  • ampUrl: the URL of the AMP version.
  • cdnAmpUrl: the URL of the cached AMP version in the Google AMP Cache.

For performance and security reasons we recommend using the cached AMP version when displaying AMP content.

See how it works

Press execute to perform a live query against the AMP URL API. Change the input query and try different URLs.

<amp-iframe title="Performs a live query against the AMP URL API"
            width="auto" height="645"
            sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-popups"
            <amp-img src="/static/samples/img/amp-url-api-placeholder.png"
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