Important: this documentation is not applicable to your currently selected format ads!



Provides the ability to collect and store a user's consent through a UI control. Also provides the ability to block other AMP components based on the user's consent.


Required Scripts

<script async custom-element="amp-consent" src=""></script>

Supported Layouts


As a publisher, you can use the <amp-consent> component to implement user controls. The component allows you to:

  • Determine if the user should be asked to interact with the control.
  • Capture the user’s consent decision.
  • Makes the user’s setting available to elements on the AMP page to modify the page’s behavior.

If you are a vendor that wants to customize your component's behavior based on amp-consent, or need to collect more advanced consent information you can read more here.


Only a single <amp-consent> element is allowed on the page, and that element must specify a unique id.

If you also include an <amp-user-notification> element on the page, the UI associated with the <amp-consent> and <amp-user-notification> will not be deterministic. Avoid using <amp-consent> with <amp-user-notification> if this would be problematic.

<amp-consent> supports global consent, in which users can make a single consent choice for a website. It also supports granular consent, allowing users to make a set of choices.

To implement granular consent, define a set of consent purposes. Choose a name for each purpose. Create a UI that allows the user to make choices for each, and use the setPurpose() action to save each choice.

The other actions that <amp-consent> supports apply to both granular and global consent. Thus, a webpage can implement both types simultaneously.

The <amp-consent> element requires a JSON configuration object that specifies the extension's behavior.


<amp-consent layout="nodisplay" id="consent-element">
  <script type="application/json">
      "consentInstanceId": "my-consent",
      "consentRequired": "remote",
      "checkConsentHref": "",
      "promptUI": "consent-ui",
      "onUpdateHref": ""
  <div id="consent-ui">
    <button on="tap:consent-element.accept">Accept</button>
    <button on="tap:consent-element.reject">Reject</button>
    <button on="tap:consent-element.dismiss">Dismiss</button>

consentInstanceId: The identifier of a consent configuration.


checkConsentHref: Instructs AMP to make a CORS POST request with credentials to the specified URL to remotely configure the consent. The purpose can be any of 1) determine if consent is required for the user, 2) get the consent state from server, 3) get extra sharedData from server to share with AMP components.


AMP sends the consent instance ID in the consentInstanceId field with the POST request.

  "consentInstanceId": {string},
  "consentStateValue": {enum}, // the stored consent state in client cache
                               // takes value of ["accepted", "rejected", "unknown"]
  "consentString": {string},   // the stored consent string in client cache
  "matchedGeoGroup": {string}, // (new) the user's geoGroup detected by AMP.

AMP expects the response to be a JSON object like the following:

  "consentRequired": {boolean}                  // Whether consent is required from the user.
                                                // The value is required it is used to
                                                // determine if consent is required. If not
                                                // found, AMP will unblock content as consent is not required.
  "consentStateValue": {?enum} [default: null], // The latest consent state known
                                                // by the server
                                                // Takes value of ["accepted", "rejected",
                                                // "unknown"].
                                                // The value will be ignored if
                                                // "consentRequired: false".
                                                // If the value is non-null, it will be cached at client.
  "consentString": {?string} [default: null],   // The latest consent string known by the server.
                                                // If the value is non-null,
                                                // and if the consentStateValue is "accepted" or "rejected",
                                                // the value will be cached at client.
  "expireCache": {boolean} [default: false]     // Indicate that the cache needs to be cleared
                                                // Set to `true` in conjunction with
                                                // consentStateValue='accepted'/'rejected'
                                                // to enforce server side consent state

For granular consent, this response can also contain a map of purposeConsent choices.

Note: The legacy promptIfUnknown is migrating to consentRequired as prompt is no longer strictly required to manage consents.

The consentStateValue can be thought of as a signal for the runtime to block and unblock components. The value accepted instructs AMP that the user has given consent (or doesn't revoke consent in the opt-out case). This can be used to serve personalized ads in some scenarios. The value rejected means the user doesn't give consent (or has revoked consent in the opt-out case) and vendors may decide to not serve personalized ads.

Optionally, additional key-value pairs can be returned in the response as the sharedData field.

  "consentRequire": true,
  "sharedData": {
    "a-key": "some-string-value",
    "key-with-bool-value": true,
    "key-with-numeric-value": 123

The sharedData is made available to other AMP extensions just like the consent state. It's up to the 3rd party vendor extensions and the checkConsentHref remote endpoint to agree on particular meaning of those key-value pairs. One example use case is for the remote endpoint to convey extra consent related info of the current user to the 3rd party vendor extensions.

Unlike consent state, this shareData is not persisted in client side storage.


consentRequired: It accepts a boolean value indicating if a consent is required. <amp-consent> will unblock components with an UNKNOWN_NOT_REQUIRED state if consentRequired: false and there's no previous consent decision stored in client cache. It makes sense mostly with a combination of geoOverride config so that only a certain regions require consent.

It can also be set to consentRequired: "remote" to fetch the value remotely from the checkConsentHref endpoint. This is useful when publishers want to use their own server to decide if consent is required. For example, they want to have their own geo detection, or use the existing consent state for a known user. When used without geoOverride(#geooverride), the consentRequired value is set to remote by default if not specified.

Note that this value will be ignored if there is previous consent state stored in client cache (see Client caching section for examples).


For granular consent, purposeConsentRequired lets you specify an array of consent purposes. Until the user has made a choice for each, the consent UI will appear each time they visit your webpage.

For example, if you want to make sure the user makes a choice for consent purposes you've called purpose-analytics and purpose-marketing, your JSON would include:

"purposeConsentRequired": ["purpose-analytics", "purpose-marketing"]


onUpdateHref: Instructs AMP to make a CORS HTTPS POST request with credentials to the specified URL whenever the stored consent state changes.

AMP sends the consent instance ID, a generated user id only for this usage and the consent state along with the POST request.

  "consentInstanceId": "my-consent",
  "ampUserId": "xxx",
  "consentStateValue": "accepted"/"rejected"/"unknown"


promptUI: Specifies the prompt element that is shown to collect the user's consent. The prompt element should be child element of <amp-consent> with an id that is referenced by the promptUI. See the Prompt UI section for details on how a user interacts with the prompt UI.

The consent decisions collected from user via this prompt UI will be stored in localStorage as client cache. See the Client caching section for how the cache is used.


geoOverride provides a way to utilize the <amp-geo> component to detect user's geo location to assist client side decisions.

geoOverride is a JSON object keyed by geo group codes which are defined in <amp-geo> (details here). Each geo override should be a valid <amp-consent> config object. AMP will take all the values in the corresponding geoOverride to override the existing config. The only exception here is that the consentInstanceId cannot be overwritten by geoOverride config, because AMP only manage and store consent information in a single instance.

Two important tips when configuring amp-geo:

  • All geo groups should be mutually exclusive. The behavior is undetermined if a user falls into multiple geo override.
  • Provide an geoGroupUnknown override for users that are failed be be identified by <amp-geo>.

Take the following config as an example:

  "onUpdateHref": "",
  "promptUI": "consent-ui",
  "consentRequired": false,

  "geoOverride": {
    "geoGroup1": {
      "consentRequired": true
    "geoGroup2": {
      "checkConsentHref": "",
      "consentRequired": "remote"
    "geoGroupUnknown": {
      "checkConsentHref": "",
      "consentRequired": true

For users outside geoGroup1, geoGroup2 & geoGroupUknown, the merged config is

  "onUpdateHref": "",
  "promptUI": "consent-ui",
  "consentRequired": false

<amp-consent> does nothing because "consentRequired": false.

For users in geoGroup1, the merged config is

  "onUpdateHref": "",
  "promptUI": "consent-ui",
  "consentRequired": true

Because checkConsentHref is not specified, both consent collection and storage are completely handled at client side. AMP will prompt the consent UI if and only if the client cache is empty.

For users in geoGroup2, the merged config is

  "onUpdateHref": "",
  "promptUI": "consent-ui",
  "checkConsentHref": "",
  "consentRequired": "remote"

If client cache is empty, AMP will wait for checkConsentHref response to decide whether a consent is required from the user. If the response contains consentRequired: true and consentStateValue: unknown, then AMP will collect consent via the specified prompt UI. If consentStateValue is 'accepted' or 'rejected', then it will use this value and also sync to cache.

For users in geoGroupUnknown, the merged config is

  "onUpdateHref": "",
  "promptUI": "consent-ui",
  "checkConsentHref": "",
  "consentRequired": true

AMP will check client cache and server in parallel to find the previous consent state. Because "consentRequired": true it will collect consent via the specified prompt UI if cache is empty w/o waiting for the server response. The server response is mainly for cache refresh or fetching shareData.


xssiPrefix: Causes <amp-consent> to strip a prefix from the checkConsentHref endpoint's response. If the prefix is not present in the response, then this option will have no effect. xssiPrefix can be useful for APIs that include security prefixes like )]} to help prevent cross site scripting attacks.


uiConfig provides extra UI and behaviors to <amp-consent>. uiConfig is an optional JSON object that can contain the key overlay which is a boolean. overlay: true will add a light black overlay behind the consent prompt to help users focus on the prompt. Additionally, this will stop user interaction with the contents beneath the consent prompt (such as scrolling). overlay: false is the default.


captions provides accessibility features for screen reader users for <amp-consent>. captions is an optional JSON an object that can contain the consentPromptCaption and buttonActionCaption strings. The default values for these fields are 'User Consent Prompt' and 'Focus Prompt' respectivly, but they can be overriden and customized for your use case (such as localization). When a consent prompt in an iframe is loaded, the screen reader will read the consentPromptCaption and then the buttonActionCaption. The consentPromptCaption should act as a title for the consent prompt, while the buttonActionCaption should inform the user that they can interact with the iframe.

  "captions": {
    "consentPromptCaption": "This is an example user consent prompt",
    "buttonActionCaption": "Click to interact with the prompt"

The <amp-consent> element supports customizing the consent prompt UI and post-prompt UI, which can be used to manage consent.


The <amp-consent> element is set to position: fixed after layout occurs (default is bottom: 0, which can be overridden).

By default, all UI elements contained within amp-consent have display:none and have display set to display:block when it is shown. No two UI elements are shown at the same time. When displayed, the UI element is fixed to the bottom of the page by default.

Prompt UI

The prompt UI is defined within the consent instance config. The promptUI attribute refers to a child element of <amp-consent> by its id.

Example: Displays a prompt user interface

<amp-consent layout="nodisplay" id="consent-element">
  <script type="application/json">
      "consentInstanceId": "my-consent",
      "checkConsentHref": "",
      "promptUI": "consent-ui"
  <div id="consent-ui">
    <button on="tap:consent-element.accept">Accept</button>
    <button on="tap:consent-element.reject">Reject</button>
    <button on="tap:consent-element.dismiss">Dismiss</button>

AMP displays prompt UI on page load or by user interaction. The prompt UI is hidden based on the three user actions described below.

AMP also supports external consent UI flow via promptUiSrc which will load your custom iframe. More information about the communication of user actions can be found here.

Prompt UI for Stories

The amp-story extension provides a default prompt UI, that requires using a <amp-story-consent> component as the prompt UI. This component content requires a title, a message, and a list of vendors, and has to be specified in its own component configuration. The decline button can be hidden by adding an optional onlyAccept boolean parameter. Additionally, an optional templated external link to the privacy policy or settings can be configured, by adding "externalLink": {"title": "Privacy Settings", "href": ""} to the consent configuration.

Example: Displays a prompt user interface on an AMP Story

<amp-consent layout="nodisplay" id="consent-element">
  <script type="application/json">
      "checkConsentHref": "",
      "promptUI": "consent-ui"
  <amp-story-consent id="consent-ui" layout="nodisplay">
    <script type="application/json">
        "title": "My title",
        "message": "My example message.",
        "vendors": ["Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4"]

Prompt Actions

Three user actions apply to both granular and global consent: accept, reject and dismiss.

To enable the user to choose a consent state and hide the prompt UI, add an on attribute to a button with the following value scheme on="event:idOfAmpConsentElement.accept/reject/dismiss"

  • accept: publisher instructs AMP to remember the accept decision to the consent, unblocks components waiting for the consent, and hides the prompt UI.

  • reject: publisher instructs AMP to remember the reject decision to the consent, cancels buildCallback (AMP lifecycle callback to build AMP components) of components waiting for the consent, and hides the prompt UI.

  • dismiss: instruct AMP to cancel buildCallback of components waiting for the consent, and hides the prompt UI.

The setPurpose action is used in granular consent. You can use it to temporarily store the user's choice for an individual consent purpose. This action takes the form setPurpose({purpose name}={boolean value}). Setting a purpose to true marks it as accepted; setting it to false marks it as rejected.

For example, to mark a consent purpose called performanceCookies as true, you would use


The accept and reject actions, which accept or deny global consent, both save granular consent choices as well. If you pass either of these the argument (purposeConsentDefault={boolean value}), any consent purposes for which the user has not made a choice will be assigned that boolean value.

For example, the action


will reject any consent purposes for which the user has not made a choice.

If you don't use purposeConsentDefault, any purposes for which the user has not made a choice will remain unset. For this reason, especially when the prompt UI is a form with checkboxes, it's generally recommended that you include this argument.

Post-prompt UI (optional)

You can provide a UI after collecting the initial consent. For example, you can provide a UI for the user to manage their consent (e.g., change their "reject" to "accept"). The post-prompt UI is defined with the <amp-consent> JSON configuration object. The postPromptUI refers to an element by id. If the element is a child element of the <amp-consent>, it will be fixed to the bottom of the page same as prompt UIs. You can also inline the postPromptUI in the document, but please be aware of the potential layout shift caused by toggling the display of this element.

When defined, the post-prompt UI is shown when all prompt UIs have been hidden, or initially on page load if no prompt UI was triggered.

<amp-consent layout="nodisplay" id="consent-element">
  <script type="application/json">
      "consentInstanceId": "consent-foo",
      "promptUI": "consent-ui",
      "postPromptUI": "post-consent-ui"
  <div id="consent-ui">
  <div id="post-consent-ui">
    <button on="tap:consent-element.dismiss">Settings</button>

Post-prompt action

The post-prompt UI provides one user action type that can be used to allow the user to manage a previously set consent. Use prompt to display a prompt for a given consent instance. Add an on attribute to a button with the following value scheme on="event:idOfAmpConsentElement.prompt".

Blocking behaviors

The <amp-consent> element can be used to block any other AMP components on the page from loading (except <amp-consent> itself).

Client caching

The consent information (from the response or from user action on client side) will be cached on client side in localStorage. The cached value if exist will always be used by <amp-consent> to unblock content for performance optimization. Server endpoint can instruct <amp-consent> to erase the stored value so that it won't be used to unblock content the next visit using the expireCache: true.

A couple of implications with this behavior:

  • When stored user consent no longer applies, the change will be synced through checkConsentHref response. But the change will be applied one-time off due to the client cache.
  • When a user travels, <amp-consent> will use the stored consent. It's up to the checkConsentHref response to erase stored value using expireCache: true and consentRequired: false.
  • If a promptUI is used to collect user consent. Using expireCache: true will prompt consent dialog and block users from content on their following visits.

<amp-consent> stores consent choices in a key called amp-store:{xxx}, where {xxx} is your domain. The value is base64-encoded JSON.

Basic blocking behaviors

In global consent, to block components, either add the data-block-on-consent attribute to the AMP component or add the amp-consent-blocking meta tag with the list of extensions to be blocked. Note, that if you're using the type attribute for CMP integration, you must also include the amp-consent-blocking meta tag. This ensures that buildCallback of the component isn't called until consent has been accepted, or if consent is not required for the user based on the consentRequired value. In effect, this means that all behaviors of the element (e.g. sending analytics pings for <amp-analytics> or the loading of an <amp-ad>) are delayed until the relevant consent instance is accepted.

Individual components may override this behavior to provide more specialized handling. Please refer to each component's documentation for details.

Example: Blocking the analytics until user accepts consent

<amp-analytics data-block-on-consent type="googleanalytics"> </amp-analytics>


<meta name="amp-consent-blocking" content="amp-analytics,amp-ad" />

For granular consent, use the data-block-on-consent-purposes attribute with a comma-separated list of consent purposes. For example, the following will block an amp-pixel component until the user accepts purposes named performance and marketing:

<amp-pixel data-block-on-consent-purposes="performance, marketing"></amp-pixel>

AMP provides a list of pre-defined consent policy instances for publishers to easily define consent blocking behaviors to individual components.

Set the value to the data-block-on-consent attribute to use the pre-defined consent blocking behavior policy.

Example: Blocking the analytics until user respond to consent

<amp-analytics data-block-on-consent="_till_responded" type="googleanalytics">

AMP may support more advanced pre-defined blocking behaviors in the future. Because of this, the value of data-block-on-consent is reserved only for the following supported pre-defined attributes:

  • _till_responded : Unblock the component until the user has responded to the consent prompt, or the consent prompt has been skipped.
  • _till_accepted : Default basic blocking behavior, expect that when _till_accepted is explicitly added, individual components cannot override the blocking behavior.
  • _auto_reject : Always reject the consent automatically if consent is required but unknown. The reject consent decision will not be stored. It is recommended not to specify a consent prompt UI when auto rejecting consent for every components.

When one of the pre-defined attributes is used, AMP assumes that the publisher takes final control on the consent blocking behaviors. Individual components cannot override the blocking behaviors brought by pre-defined consent policy, they can however still customize components' behaviors after having been unblocked.

An optional policy property can be added to the <amp-consent> element's JSON configuration object. Its value is an object that customizes consent blocking behaviors.

<amp-consent layout="nodisplay" id="consent-element">
  <script type="application/json">
      "consentInstanceId": xxx
      "checkConsentHref": ""
      "policy": {
        "default": {
          "timeout": {
            "seconds": 5,
            "fallbackAction": "reject"

The default policy is the only one allowed to be configured. This policy applies to every element that is blocked by the data-block-on-consent attribute.

Policy Instance (optional)


waitFor object specifies the consent instance that needs to wait. Each consent instance requires an array value. AMP may support sub item lists under an consent instance, but right now only empty array is expected, and the value will be ignored.

timeout (optional)

timeout can be used to inform components the current consent state status after specified time.

When used as a single value, timeout equals the timeout value in second.

"default": { "waitFor": { "my-consent": [] }, "timeout": 2 }

When used as an object. timeout object supports two attributes

  • seconds: timeout value in second
  • fallbackAction (optional): the fallback action at timeout if no user action is taken and no state has been stored. The fallback actions supported are reject and dismiss. Default action is dismiss if not configured. Note the consent state changed due to fallback action at timeout will not be stored on client side.
"default": { "waitFor": { "my-consent": [] }, "timeout": { "seconds": 2,
"fallbackAction": "reject" } }

Integrations and availability

The table below lists the vendors and components that are integrated with amp-consent

Integration Prod Availability Documentation Ready For Testing
DoubleClick & AdSense Integration 05/10/18 Link Yes
AMP IMA Video Integration 05/15/18 Link Yes
AMP Geo 05/10/18 Link Yes
AMP Stories 05/15/18 Link Yes


Will AMP change any behavior by default on May 25th?

No. All desired behavior on AMP pages is managed by publishers and this is no different.

How can I stop making ad and analytics calls on all my AMP pages?

Use the data-block-on-consent attribute on the <amp-ad> or <amp-analytics> component.



Note: For some vendors, the data-block-on-consent attribute only works in conjunction with <amp-consent>. Consult with your ad or analytics vendor for implementation details.

Use the <amp-consent> component which allows configuring a custom UI with Accept, Reject and Dismiss states. It is up to each amp-component vendor how they interpret these states, so please read your vendor's documentation carefully.

How can I stop showing all of my content to users from the EEA?

You could consider hiding all your content for EEA users by implementing <amp-geo>. See this blog post for more details.

Use <amp-geo> to configure a country group and hook up the country group to geoOverride attribute in <amp-consent>. If the user accesses the AMP page from a country that's configured in the list, the appropriate consent UI will be invoked.

Yes. The UI is not prescriptive. If you do end up providing a non-blocking version of the UI, dismissing the UI will lead to a dismiss state. It is up to each vendor (ads & analytics) how they would process accept, reject and dismiss.

What is checkConsentHref? And is it mandatory?

Note that checkConsentHref is not mandatory if you collect consent and store consent completely at client side.

checkConsentHref gives you, the publisher, the ability to know if a consent must be shown to the user. For example, by using this call, you may determine the user's geo-location on the server-side, allowing you to suppress the consent. You can also instead use <amp-geo> and geoOverride to achieve the same result without any server-side setup.

You may also choose to suppress the consent if you detect that the user doesn't need consent because they accepted consent on a different property or for alternate reasons.

What is consentRequired?

consentRequired is used to determine if consent is required for the user. It can be specified in the config of <amp-consent> for different geo regions, it can also be retrieved from the checkConsentHref endpoint.

You can configure checkConsentHref to call your own server-side endpoint to detect consent state for the user and reconcile how you want AMP to behave with using a response from the checkConsentHref.

How can I send additional information to an ad network/analytics provider?

The response on checkConsentHref also accepts values for the key sharedData on the response which will be made available to all vendor components being blocked by the consent logic. It is up to the vendor how they process this sharedData. DoubleClick/AdSense expect specific key-values, refer to their documentation for details.

You should try out the advanced consent flows to see how it's implemented. You could also consider using the <amp-selector> component.

You can use the optional post-prompt UI to accomplish this. View this sample on AMP By Example for a similar implementation.

Can I keep the non-EU experience unchanged and just deliver an "opt-out" experience to all EU users?

You can configure <amp-consent> and <amp-geo> to show consent to users in specific countries (e.g., via a list of EEA countries that you configure). The <amp-consent> component can also be configured to automatically "reject" consent on behalf of the user, if the publisher so desires. The way to do this is by setting the timeout seconds to 0 and fallbackAction to reject. Note that the fallbackAction state won't be stored across sessions. Note also that each ad network will have its own implementation for how it interprets a "reject" action from a user. There is no way to automatically 'accept' consent on behalf of the user.

You can learn more about how Google AdSense and DoubleClick plan to handle a 'reject', and any configuration available to serve non-personalized ads.

You can use the response of checkConsentHref to show a consent to the user if there is no previous consent state, which allows the user to go through the consent flow. For details on how to reject consent by default, see the opt-out question above. It isn't possible to "accept" consent by default.

Is "checkConsentHref" called on every page view or during every user action?

checkConsentHref is called on every page view before the consent UI is displayed to the user.

Yes. See example here.

Does AMP support the IAB TCF?

AMP supports popular transparency consent frameworks including the IAB TCF v1, TCF v2, TCF v2.2, the IAB US Privacy String, and the IAB Global Privacy Platform string. Please check with your consent management platform (CMP) and ad networks on their AMP support. AMP will read and pass the strings passed by the frameworks (IAB TCF v1, TCF v2, TCF v2.2, the IAB US Privacy String and the IAB Global Privacy Platorm string) when received by CMPs/ad networks.

I have a CMP implemented with AMP but for TCF v2 what do I need to do to support TCF v2.2?

For AMP integration, the only thing you need to do is provide the value of tcfPolicyVersion during the client-side postMessage, and in case you also use checkConsentHref you need to provide it in the response, and you can also update it directly from the response too via the tcfPolicyVersion field in the response from your server, this will allow you to update consents in case you have not added the tcfPolicyVersion field before the transaction to TCF v2.2.

I can't see feature X being supported, what can I do?

Join in on the discussion where we are discussing upcoming potential features. Please chime in on the thread if something isn't supported yet.

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