Important: this documentation is not applicable to your currently selected format ads!



Wraps its children in a unique full-screen scrolling container allowing you to display a full-screen ad without taking up the entire viewport.


Required Scripts

<script async custom-element="amp-fx-flying-carpet" src=""></script>


amp-fx-flying-carpet displays its children inside a container of fixed height. As the user scrolls the page, the flying carpet reveals more of it contents, sliding across its children as if peering through a window in the page.

Check if your ad network permits use of flying carpets when implementing the amp-fx-flying-carpet to display ads.

<amp-fx-flying-carpet height="300px">

The following requirements are imposed on amp-fx-flying-carpet positioning:

  • It should be positioned so that it doesn't obscure the first viewport (outside of top 75%).
  • It should be positioned so that its top can reach or be above the top of the last viewport when scrolled.



The height of the flying carpet's "window".

Common attributes

amp-fx-flying-carpet includes the common attributes extended to AMP components.


You may use the amp-fx-flying-carpet element selector to style it freely. amp-fx-flying-carpet elements are always position: relative.


See amp-fx-flying-carpet rules in the AMP validator specification.

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