


Replaces the HTML5 video tag.


Required Scripts

<script async custom-element="amp-video" src=""></script>


A replacement for the HTML5 video tag; only to be used for direct HTML5 video file embeds.

The amp-video component loads the video resource specified by its src attribute lazily, at a time determined by the runtime. You can control an amp-video component much the same way as a standard HTML5 <video> tag.

The amp-video component accepts up to four unique types of HTML nodes as children:

  • source tags: Just like in the HTML <video> tag, you can add <source> tag children to specify different source media files to play.
  • track tags to enable subtitles in the video. If the track is hosted on a different origin than the document, you must add the crossorigin attribute to the <amp-video> tag. Whenever the video has narration or important audio information, make sure to include subtitles/captions for users who may not be able to hear it or have their sound turned off.
  • a placeholder for before the video starts
  • a fallback if the browser doesn’t support HTML5 video: One or zero immediate child nodes can have the fallback attribute. If present, this node and its children form the content that displays if HTML5 video is not supported on the user’s browser.

This browser does not support the video element.

<amp-video controls
  <source src="/static/inline-examples/videos/kitten-playing.webm"
    type="video/webm" />
  <source src="/static/inline-examples/videos/kitten-playing.mp4"
    type="video/mp4" />
  <div fallback>
    <p>This browser does not support the video element.</p>
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Standalone use outside valid AMP documents

Bento allows you to use AMP components in non-AMP pages without needing to commit to fully valid AMP. You can take these components and place them in implementations with frameworks and CMSs that don't support AMP. Read more in our guide Use AMP components in non-AMP pages.

Interactivity and API usage

Bento components are highly interactive through their API. In Bento standalone use, the element's API replaces AMP Actions and events and amp-bind.

The amp-video component API is accessible by including the following script tag in your document:

await customElements.whenDefined('amp-video');
const videoHandle = await video.getApi();

The amp-video API allows you to perform the following actions:


Plays the video.;

Pauses the video.


Mutes the video.


Unmutes the video.


Expands the video to fullscreen when possible.



It also exposes the following read-only properties:

currentTime (number)

The current playback time in seconds.

duration (number)

The video's duration in seconds, when it's known (e.g. is not a livestream).

autoplay (boolean)

Whether the video autoplays.

controls (boolean)

Whether the video shows controls.

loop (boolean)

Whether the video loops.




Required if no <source> children are present. Must be HTTPS.


The image for the frame to be displayed before video playback has started. By default, the first frame is displayed.

Alternatively, you can present a click-to-play overlay.


If this attribute is present, and the browser supports autoplay, the video will be automatically played as soon as it becomes visible. There are some conditions that the component needs to meet to be played, which are outlined in the Video in AMP spec.


This attribute is similar to the controls attribute in the HTML5 video. If this attribute is present, the browser offers controls to allow the user to control video playback.


Same as controlsList attribute of HTML5 video element. Only supported by certain browsers.


If present, the video will automatically loop back to the start upon reaching the end.


Required if a track resource is hosted on a different origin than the document.


Determines whether the media element is allowed to have a remote playback UI such as Chromecast or AirPlay.

muted (deprecated)

The muted attribute is deprecated and no longer has any effect. The autoplay attribute automatically controls the mute behavior.


Annotates the video as having no audio. This has the following effects:

  • An equalizer icon will not be drawn when setting autoplay.

  • An <amp-story> that includes this video will not draw an unnecessary mute button.


If the video is visible, the video displays fullscreen after the user rotates their device into landscape mode. For more details, see the Video in AMP spec.

This attribute can be configured to based on a media query.

common attributes

This element includes common attributes extended to AMP components.

Media Session API attributes

The amp-video component implements the Media Session API, which enables developers to specify more information about the video file. The additional information for the video displays in the notification center of the user's device (along with the play/pause controls).

This example contains both the poster and artwork attributes. The poster serves as the placeholder image before the video plays, while artwork is the image that displays in the notification via the MediaSession API.

  title="Awesome video"
  artist="Awesome artist"
  album="Amazing album"


Specifies a URL to a PNG/JPG/ICO image serving as the video's artwork. If artwork is not present, the Media Session API helper uses either the image field in the definition, the og:image, or the website's favicon.


Indicates the author of the video file, specified as a string.


Indicates the album/collection the video was taken from, specified as a string.


Indicates the name/title of the video, specified as a string. If not provided, the Media Session API helper uses either the aria-label attribute or falls back to the page's title.


amp-video supports analytics out of the box. See video analytics for more information.


Click-to-Play overlay

Providing a click-to-play overlay is a common UX feature for video players on the web. For example, you could display a custom play icon that the user can click, as well as include the title of the video, different sized poster images, and so on. Because the amp-video component supports the standard play AMP action, you can easily implement click-to-play.

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