• stories



The amp-story-shopping component is used to create shopping experiences within Web Stories.

To begin, import amp-story-shopping along with your other stories imports.

<script async custom-element="amp-story-shopping" src=""></script>

Basic usage

amp-story-shopping is defined in the document using two custom elements, amp-story-shopping-attachment and amp-story-shopping-tag.

Specify a shopping experience by defining one amp-story-shopping-attachment as the last element on the page. The amp-story-shopping-attachment component accepts 1 descendant, a script element that with product JSON that configures the experience.

Configuring inline product JSON as a child script tag is required. An optional src attribute will fetch data from an endpoint at render time. If src is defined it overrides the inline configuration. If the remote configuration request fails the inline configuration will be used as a fallback. For a full description of the product JSON see the documentation.

At least one amp-story-shopping-tag element must be on the page for the experience to display. The amp-story-shopping-tag component displays a tappable button. When tapped, it opens more information about the product in an page attachment. The data-product-id attribute must match the productId in the product JSON. Pay special attention to this to be sure the button displays the correct data.

Custom CSS is used to position the button on the page. The button is positioned absolute by default. For responsive placement use left and right CSS rules with percentage based values. The amp-story-shopping-tag must be a descendant of amp-story-grid-layer.

Notice that a "Shop now" CTA button displays at the bottom of the page when the experience is configured.

<amp-story-page id="page-1">
  <amp-story-grid-layer template="fill">
    <amp-img layout="fill" src=""></amp-img>
  <amp-story-grid-layer template="vertical">
    <amp-story-shopping-tag data-product-id="lamp"></amp-story-shopping-tag>
    <script type="application/json">
        "items": [
            "productUrl": "",
            "productId": "lamp",
            "productTitle": "Brass Lamp",
            "productBrand": "Lamp Co",
            "productPrice": 799.0,
            "productPriceCurrency": "USD",
            "productImages": [
              {"url": "", "alt": "lamp 1"},
              {"url": "", "alt": "lamp 2"},
              {"url": "", "alt": "lamp 3"},
              {"url": "", "alt": "lamp 4"},
              {"url": "", "alt": "lamp 5"},
              {"url": "", "alt": "lamp 6"}
            "aggregateRating": {
              "ratingValue": 4.4,
              "reviewCount": 89,
              "reviewUrl": ""
            "productDetails": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Facere error deserunt dignissimos in laborum ea molestias veritatis sint laudantium iusto expedita atque provident doloremque, ad voluptatem culpa adipisci."

Remote product JSON with src attribute

Add a src attribute to the amp-story-shopping-attachment to remotely fetch the data at render time. Using src ensures product data will be up to date, even when served from the cache.

It is important to note that product data is specific to each page. It cannot be shared between pages. This ensures data is only loaded when needed.

<amp-story-page id="page-2">
  <amp-story-grid-layer template="fill">
    <amp-img layout="fill" src=""></amp-img>
  <amp-story-grid-layer template="vertical">
    <amp-story-shopping-tag data-product-id="chair"></amp-story-shopping-tag>
    <amp-story-shopping-tag data-product-id="lamp"></amp-story-shopping-tag>
  <amp-story-shopping-attachment src="/static/samples/json/amp-story-shopping.json">
    <script type="application/json">
        "items": [
            "productUrl": "",
            "productId": "chair",
            "productTitle": "Yellow chair",
            "productBrand": "Chair Co.",
            "productPrice": 1000.0,
            "productPriceCurrency": "USD",
            "productImages": [
              {"url": "", "alt": "chair"}
            "aggregateRating": {
              "ratingValue": 4.4,
              "reviewCount": 89,
              "reviewUrl": ""
            "productDetails": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Facere error deserunt dignissimos in laborum ea molestias veritatis sint laudantium iusto expedita atque provident doloremque, ad voluptatem culpa adipisci."
            "productUrl": "",
            "productId": "lamp",
            "productTitle": "Brass Lamp",
            "productBrand": "Lamp Co",
            "productPrice": 799.0,
            "productPriceCurrency": "USD",
            "productImages": [
              {"url": "", "alt": "lamp 1"},
              {"url": "", "alt": "lamp 2"},
              {"url": "", "alt": "lamp 3"},
              {"url": "", "alt": "lamp 4"},
              {"url": "", "alt": "lamp 5"},
              {"url": "", "alt": "lamp 6"}
            "aggregateRating": {
              "ratingValue": 4.4,
              "reviewCount": 89,
              "reviewUrl": ""
            "productDetails": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Facere error deserunt dignissimos in laborum ea molestias veritatis sint laudantium iusto expedita atque provident doloremque, ad voluptatem culpa adipisci."

Optional configuration

In this example we display a custom icon and text in the amp-story-shopping-tag by defining productIcon and productTagText within the product JSON. We recommend using a 48 x 48px image for productIcon. We recommend using 1-3 words for productTagText. If the text is too long it will become two lines and display ellipses.

We also set theme="dark" on the amp-story-shopping-attachment to render the "Shop now" cta button and page attachment in a dark palette.

<amp-story-page id="page-3">
  <amp-story-grid-layer template="fill">
    <amp-img layout="fill" src=""></amp-img>
  <amp-story-grid-layer template="vertical">
    <amp-story-shopping-tag data-product-id="flowers"></amp-story-shopping-tag>
    <amp-story-shopping-tag data-product-id="chair"></amp-story-shopping-tag>
    <amp-story-shopping-tag data-product-id="lamp"></amp-story-shopping-tag>
  <amp-story-shopping-attachment theme="dark" src="/static/samples/json/amp-story-shopping.json">
    <script type="application/json">
        "items": [
            "productIcon": "/static/samples/img/amp-story-shopping-icon.png",
            "productTagText": "Flowers",
            "productUrl": "",
            "productId": "flowers",
            "productTitle": "Flowers",
            "productBrand": "Flower Company Name",
            "productPrice": 10.0,
            "productPriceCurrency": "USD",
            "productImages": [
              {"url": "", "alt": "flowers"}
            "aggregateRating": {
              "ratingValue": 4.4,
              "reviewCount": 89,
              "reviewUrl": ""
            "productDetails": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. \n Facere error deserunt dignissimos in laborum ea molestias veritatis sint laudantium iusto expedita atque provident doloremque, ad voluptatem culpa adipisci."
            "productUrl": "",
            "productId": "chair",
            "productTitle": "Yellow chair",
            "productBrand": "Chair Co.",
            "productPrice": 1000.0,
            "productPriceCurrency": "USD",
            "productImages": [
              {"url": "", "alt": "chair"}
            "aggregateRating": {
              "ratingValue": 4.4,
              "reviewCount": 89,
              "reviewUrl": ""
            "productDetails": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. \n Facere error deserunt dignissimos in laborum ea molestias veritatis sint laudantium iusto expedita atque provident doloremque, ad voluptatem culpa adipisci."
            "productUrl": "",
            "productId": "lamp",
            "productTitle": "Brass Lamp",
            "productBrand": "Lamp Co",
            "productPrice": 799.0,
            "productPriceCurrency": "USD",
            "productImages": [
              {"url": "", "alt": "lamp 1"},
              {"url": "", "alt": "lamp 2"},
              {"url": "", "alt": "lamp 3"},
              {"url": "", "alt": "lamp 4"},
              {"url": "", "alt": "lamp 5"},
              {"url": "", "alt": "lamp 6"}
            "aggregateRating": {
              "ratingValue": 4.4,
              "reviewCount": 89,
              "reviewUrl": ""
            "productDetails": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. \n Facere error deserunt dignissimos in laborum ea molestias veritatis sint laudantium iusto expedita atque provident doloremque, ad voluptatem culpa adipisci."

More Resources

If you want to learn more about shopping within Web Stories, head over to the documentation.

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