Important: this documentation is not applicable to your currently selected format ads!
Provides fuzzy timestamps by formatting dates as time ago (for example, 3 hours ago).
Required Scripts
<script async custom-element="amp-timeago" src=""></script>
Supported Layouts
Use the amp-timeago
component to count up to, or away from, a specified date and time.
The component replaces the text node with a fuzzy timestamp, such as in 30 years
or 3 hours ago
<amp-timeago layout="fixed" width="160" height="20" datetime="2017-04-11T00:37:33.809Z" locale="en" > Saturday 11 April 2017 00.37 </amp-timeago>
The amp-timeago
component requires a placeholder in the text node. The calculated timestamp replaces the placeholder once ready. Use the placeholder as a fallback to display to users if amp-timeago
is unable to process the fuzzy timestamp.
The required datetime
attribute sets the date and time. The value must be an ISO datetime.
- Express time in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time):
- Express in local time with a time zone offset:
The local default is en
. Add the locale
attribute and specify one of the following values to chance the local.
(English - short)es
(Persian - Farsi)fi
(Burmese - Myanmar)nb-NO
(Norwegian Bokmål)nl
(Norwegian Nynorsk)pl
Add the cutoff
attribute to display the date specified in the datatime
attribute after passing the specified date in seconds.
Common attributes
The AMP provided set of common attributes is available to <amp-timeago>
See amp-timeago rules in the AMP validator specification.
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