Important: this documentation is not applicable to your currently selected format email!


You can now use this component outside valid AMP documents using the Bento version of this component. Learn more in the Bento guide.


Displays a Soundcloud clip.


Required Scripts

<script async custom-element="amp-soundcloud" src=""></script>


With the responsive layout, the width and height from the example should yield correct layouts for 1:1 aspect ratio embeds:

Visual Mode:


Classic Mode:



data-trackid This attribute is required if data-playlistid is not defined.
The value for this attribute is the ID of a track, an integer.
data-playlistid This attribute is required if data-trackid is not defined. The value for this attribute is the ID of a playlist, an integer.
data-secret-token (optional) The secret token of the track, if it is private.
data-visual (optional) If set to true, displays full-width "Visual" mode; otherwise, it displays as "Classic" mode. The default value is false.
data-color (optional) This attribute is a custom color override for the "Classic" mode. The attribute is ignored in "Visual" mode. Specify a hexadecimal color value, without the leading # (e.g., data-color="e540ff").
width and height The layout for amp-soundcloud is set to fixed-height and it fills all of the available horizontal space. This is ideal for the "Classic" mode, but for "Visual" mode, it's recommended that the height is 300px, 450px or 600px, as per Soundcloud embed code. This will allow the clip's internal elements to resize properly on mobile.


See amp-soundcloud rules in the AMP validator specification.

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