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The amp-image-lightbox component allows the user to expand an image to fill the viewport.


Import the amp-image-lightbox component in the header

<script async custom-element="amp-image-lightbox" src=""></script>

Basic usage

The amp-image-lightbox is activated using the on action on an amp-img element referencing the lightbox element's ID.

<amp-img on="tap:lightbox1" role="button" tabindex="0" src="/static/samples/img/Border_Collie.jpg" alt="Picture of a dog" title="Picture of a dog, view in lightbox" layout="responsive" width="300" height="246"></amp-img>
<amp-image-lightbox id="lightbox1" layout="nodisplay"></amp-image-lightbox>

Multi image support

It is even possible to show different images in the same amp-image-lightbox. Here is another image using the same lightbox.

<amp-img on="tap:lightbox1" role="button" tabindex="0" src="/static/samples/img/Hovawart.jpg" alt="Picture of a dog" title="Picture of a dog, view in lightbox" layout="responsive" width="600" height="400"></amp-img>

Caption: figcaption

The amp-image-lightbox also can optionally display a caption for the image at the bottom of the viewport. This can either be the contents of the <figcaption> element when the image is in the figure tag...

Border Collie.
  <amp-img on="tap:lightbox1" role="button" tabindex="0" src="/static/samples/img/Border_Collie.jpg" alt="Picture of a dog" title="Picture of a dog, view in lightbox" layout="responsive" width="300" height="246"></amp-img>
  <figcaption>Border Collie.</figcaption>

Caption: aria-describedby

... or the contents of the element whose ID is specified by the image's aria-describedby attribute.

This is a border collie.
<amp-img on="tap:lightbox1" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-describedby="imageDescription" alt="Picture of a dog" title="Picture of a dog, view in lightbox" src="/static/samples/img/Border_Collie.jpg" width="300" height="246"></amp-img>
<div id="imageDescription">
  This is a border collie.
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AMP projesi, katılımınızı ve katkılarınızı güçlü bir şekilde teşvik ediyor! Açık kaynak topluluğumuzun devamlı bir katılımcısı olacağınızı umuyoruz ancak özel olarak ilgilendiğiniz konularla ilgili tek seferlik katkıları da memnuniyetle karşılıyoruz.

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