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Displays a TikTok video embed.


Required Scripts

<script async custom-element="amp-tiktok" src=""></script>


The amp-tiktok component embeds a TikTok video on your page.



The amp-tiktok component displays the TikTok video in an iframe. You may specify the width, height and data-src attributes. amp-tiktok does not support autoplay and requires user interaction to play videos.

Avoiding Layout shift

Prevent layout shift by matching the width and height attributes on the amp-tiktok element to the size of the video player.

By default, the width of the amp-tiktok iframe is 325px, resulting in a hight of roughly 575px. The default height of the embedded TikTok video player depends on the length and content of the TikTok caption. To show the entire video, the amp-tiktok component resizes to match the player height. You can avoid this by defining the width and height to match the video player.

Mở đoạn mã này trong sân thực hành

If you choose to set the width to a value which is greater than 325px, the iframe will remain 325px and will be horizontally centered in that space. The surrounding space will be empty.

If you choose to set the height of to a value which is which is greater than the height the height will remain the height of the iframe.


There are two ways to set a placeholder image:

  • Pointing the data-src attribute to the image URL
  • Pointing the TikTok provided cite attribute, made available through blockquote, to the image URL.



The data-src attribute can contain one of two values: a video id or a full URL to a TikTok detail page.

Example with video-id

Mở đoạn mã này trong sân thực hành

Example with source url:

Mở đoạn mã này trong sân thực hành

In lieu of the data-src attribute, amp-tiktok also allows the use of the TikTok generated embed code to display.

To use this method copy the blockquote from the TikTok Embed code:

  1. Refer to the (TikTok embed documentation)[] to find the embed code for your TikTok.
  2. Copy the embed code and add it as a child element of the amp-tiktok element.
  3. Add the placeholder attribute to the blockquote.
  4. Remove the style attribute from the blockquote.

VIM is great.... right up until you start typing the commands into every single text editor you see. I’d like to apologize for all my unneeded ":wq"’s

♬ original sound - countingprimes
<amp-tiktok width="300" height="800">
      VIM is great.... right up until you start typing the commands into every
      single text editor you see. I’d like to apologize for all my unneeded
      title="♬ original sound - countingprimes"
      >♬ original sound - countingprimes</a
Mở đoạn mã này trong sân thực hành


If the user provides an aria-label then that label will be propogated to the iframe. If the user proides an oEmbed source URL as the data-src then the TikTok's caption will be used as the aria-label with the format 'Tiktok: "Caption"'. Otherwise the aria-label will default to 'TikTok'.

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