
Grupos de trabajo

Para impulsar más contribuciones en AMP

AMP Working Group

Un grupo de trabajo de AMP está formado por una parte de la comunidad que tiene conocimientos/intereses en un área específica de AMP. Los grupos de trabajo son creados por el Comité de Dirección Técnica de AMP.

La mayoría de los grupos de trabajo aportan actualizaciones de estado quincenales y presentan por turnos actualizaciones trimestrales de alto nivel en Design Reviews.

Los grupos de trabajo de AMP son:

Grupo de trabajo

User Interface & Accessibility

wg-ui-and-a11y Working Group is responsible for AMP's visual components & interactions and AMP's overall accessibility and user experience (including published guidelines for AMP UX). The UI Working Group also has overall responsibility for ensuring AMP is accessible, though each WG is responsible for ensuring accessibility within their areas of responsibility.

El moderador de User Interface & Accessibility es: @nainar

Entradas recientes


Canales de comunicación


UI Working Group members will use #wg-ui-and-a11y channel on AMP's Slack (signup) for real-time discussion. The channel is open to anyone, regardless of membership in UI working group.


UI Working Group will post Status Updates every two weeks as an issue labeled with Type: Status Update in this repository.

UI Working Group will post Announcements and Notices regarding events as an issue labeled with Type: Event in this repository.

UI Working Group will post Quarterly Roadmap as an issue labeled with Type: Roadmap in this repository.