The amp-addthis component integrates AddThis Floating Bar and Inline Share Buttons.
Import the amp-addthis
<script async custom-element="amp-addthis" src=""></script>
Floating share buttons
Placed on the side of your page, following your reader as they scroll. A great way to promote sharing without getting too in-your-face.
<amp-addthis width="320" height="92" layout="responsive" data-pub-id="ra-5c191331410932ff" data-widget-id="957l" data-widget-type="floating">
Inline share buttons
Integrate share buttons into your content for a seamless sharing experience.
<amp-addthis width="320" height="92" data-pub-id="ra-5c191331410932ff" data-widget-id="mv93" data-widget-type="inline">
Visit the addthis homepage to learn to how to setup AddThis on AMP or check out this video for step-by-step instructions:
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Written by @pjcunnin