• websites



Use the amp-springboard-player component to embed videos hosted on the Springboard Video Platform in your AMP HTML files.


Import the amp-springboard-player component in the header.

<script async custom-element="amp-springboard-player" src=""></script>

Basic usage

Embed videos hosted on the Springboard Video Platform via the data-site-id, data-domain, data-player-id, data-content-id attributes. The data-mode attribute is used to determine if this is a single video or playlist. If it's a playlist, the data-items attribute specifies the number of items in the playlist. We recommend using the responsive layout for videos.

<amp-springboard-player data-site-id="261" data-mode="video" data-content-id="1578473" data-player-id="test401" data-domain="" data-items="10" layout="responsive" width="480" height="270">
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